Saint Hildegard of Bingen is one of the most famous women of the Middle Ages. She became famous with her three theological works. The two naturopathic writings were originally one and are part of Traditional European Medicine. The insights and pieces of wisdom of this polymath are independent, i.e. original and still highly relevant today, e.g. her statements on the healing power of herbal and other natural remedies as well as food for maintaining or regaining health.
She created her own music with poetic lyrics, gave advice for comprehensive health and for a successful life despite all the difficulties that have to be overcome.
She emphasized the value of joy, of daily and seasonal rhythms, of individually balanced times of work/activity and rest, also for meditation and prayer, as well as of good, individual moderation and mental well-being. In all of this, she knew that she was integrated into the richness of creation and its Creator, the Triune God.
The abbess of two monasteries in Bingen and Rüdesheim-Eibingen is famous as a visionary, prophetess, Benedictine nun and courageous woman who even confronted the powerful of her time and admonished them in clear words, which was completely unusual, especially for a woman at the time.
More than 850 years ago, her writings showed correlations between body, soul and spirituality, which are now confirmed by modern psycho-neuro-immunology.
As one of four female teachers of the Church, she holds the honorary title of Doctor Ecclesiae since 2012.
Our goal is to transfer and pass on the diversity of her knowledge and her ideas to this day and age.
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